PCMT 8000, PCMT 8800 User Training Test Code:Each test code is good for accessing one PCMT 8000 User Training test on the website: http://www.pcmtcourse.com/After passing the test, the user will be automatically supplied a link that allows them to generate a certificate. ATSI will then also submit that individuals information to IMSA for TARP Points if eligible.When you are ready to take the test(s), please contact ATSI. We will need a name and email address in order to generate each code.
ATC Cabinet Testing Training Test Code:The training covers the all of the testing that can be done using all currently available test equipment that ATSI offers.Anyone can view the videos at no cost at: www.atcc-testing-course.comEach test code is good for accessing one ATC Cabinet Testing Training test on the website: https://www.buckeyecam.com/atcctest/After passing the test, the user will be automatically supplied a link that allows them to generate a certificate.The training qualifies for Continuing Education Credits through the IMSA.When you are ready to take the test(s), please contact ATSI. We will need a name and email address in order to generate each code.